Find Your Distinctive Voice as a Content Writer

The work-life of a modern-day content writer or a sales copywriter is nothing short of a rollercoaster ride; exciting, adventurous and invigorating. And it is here that their writing voice comes into play.
When writing for the web, a writer goes through numerous stages of creative excellence as they produce content for a wide range of readers around a variety of different topics.
In fact, a busy copywriter may produce content for more than 10-15 different topics in a week!
So why do you think some copywriters are in so much demand? Why are they highly sought after, so much so that they get repeat clients who want to hire them regularly, project after project?
The reason is simple. These writers have a well-developed writing voice.
Writing That Communicates and Resonates With Readers

After years of writing for the web or for that matter, any other platform, writers develop a uniquely personal voice that is reflected in everything they write. It is the writing voice.
Simply put, writing voice is the writer’s writing style and the personality they bring to their content. It is this writing voice that the readers associate you with.
You may be writing about a lot of different things but the value your voice brings to your readers’ lives is what increases your subscribers, creates new leads and speeds up the sales process.
If you’re wondering how you too can develop your distinctive writing voice, here are some simple tips you can experiment with –
One of the best things you can do to develop your unique voice is to write on a regular basis. Write every day, as often as you can.
And as you write more and more, you will find yourself getting accustomed to expressing your thoughts, ideas and opinions clearly and coherently. Words will start flowing faster and more effortlessly, and this will help you polish your writing skills as well.
Are you wondering what you should write about?
Here are some ideas on what to write –
– Start Blogging. Write fresh, informative content every day and post it on your blog.
– Write Articles. Choose topics that you enjoy reading and writing about and just start writing. These can be short articles of 500 words or long-form articles of 2000-3000 words. The idea is to express yourself as well as you can.
– Creative Writing: In addition to blogging and writing articles, indulging in some creative content writing is another great way to express yourself and develop your unique writing voice. Try your hand at poetry and fiction writing.
– Join the Discussions. Another excellent way to develop your writing skills and your personal writing voice is to comment on other people’s blog posts. If there is a blog you follow and have an opinion about a post you read, why not leave a comment on their blog with a constructive comment? As you write the comment, remember to be genuine and respectful.
Get into the good habit of reading. The more you read, the more enlightened you become. You can read magazines, literary works, novels, autobiographies, news items, and blogs/websites on the topics of your interest.
By reading good work of other writers on varied topics, you will be able to develop your opinions and broaden your horizons that will eventually help you in expressing yourself better through your writing.
Reading will also help you to come up with ideas for your blog. So always maintain an idea book and jot down topic ideas that you would like to write about. This way, you will always have things to write about.
It is great to be an expert in your field. Not only do experts demand more respect, but they also stand out for their craft.
The trick is to know what you are good at, what interests you the most and what are you most knowledgeable about.
Once you pinpoint your expertise, work towards establishing yourself as an expert in the field – be it advertising, gardening, stitching, pottery, home decor, and painting, etc.
Increase your knowledge. Join a course, read books or follow informative, high-value blogs on your chosen subject. The idea is to not only improve your skills and knowledge but also see how others are establishing themselves as authority bloggers.
It’s your turn to write informative articles and present your viewpoints which can serve as a guide for others to read and follow.
Learn to develop your opinion on things that are happening around you or far away, in some other part of the world. Keep yourself updated with the latest news – be it world news or current affairs.
When you have a clear opinion on things, you will enjoy not only talking about it but also expressing it through the written word.
Your readers will enjoy reading your thoughts and ideas and start to associate with you better.
Always remember that readers connect with those writers with whom they can form a connection. So let your words reflect your thoughts and opinions and start building a loyal reader base.
To succeed as a writer, especially on the web, it is imperative to develop your own unique writing style. Copying other writers is a waste of time and an unnecessary shortcut.
If you want your readers to connect with you and enjoy a long and fruitful career in writing, start writing from the heart and work towards developing a voice that is a reflection of you!
How have you developed your writing voice? Do you have tips on how your fellow writers can get better at writing? Tell us about it in the comments section below.
Happy Writing!
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