Adventure at the Fair – Mystery Story for Kids Moira, Gerald, and Darla were joined by their cousins Violet and Justin this summer. Their aunt and uncle were busy redecorating ‘Russet Villa’. The neighbourhood of ‘Snowhite Cottage’ was getting geared up for a fun fair. The money raised would be used for the upliftment and […]
The Mystery on the Paradise
Ship Adventure Story for Kids This summer, the five children had a different surprise awaiting them. Both the set of parents had decided to go on a cruise. The children got to know of their parents’ plans on the very last day. “Oh, mom! Why didn’t you let us know before? How on earth will […]
The Mystery At The Fun and Frolic Circus
Adventure Story for Kids Moira, Gerald, and Darla were really excited. ‘The Fun & Frolic Circus’, was visiting their town. “I’m sure Violet and Justin will love to hear the news of the circus”, said Darla, jumping up and down. Uncle Bert and Aunt Valerie were going away to Bert’s friend’s place for a week. […]
The Innocent Thief
Adventure Story for Kids In the town of Vishalnagar, strange occurrences had started taking place. Each time, when one of the families living there celebrated an event, a theft took place. The burglar had no interest in cash or valuables. He only took away cooked food. As housewives packed away left-over grub from their parties […]