Short Inspirational Story on Daughter’s Day “Daughters day is near sweetie. What would you like to do on that day?” asked Cindy. Vivian, her daughter looked up from her sketching and replied, “Anything you want mom. I’m game to any plan you and dad make.” “But it’s your special day dear and you get to […]
Adventure at Granny’s House, Mystery Story for Children
Interesting Adventure Story for Kids Polly and her brother Tom were invited to their granny’s house for summer break. “Children, your bags are packed. Daniel will drive you to your granny’s home. Amy will look after you. Please do not give trouble to grandma,” pleaded Sofie, their mom. “Be good kiddos,” spoke Harry, their father. […]
The Feuding Neighbours, Creative Story About Neighbours
Story About Neighbours – Friendships and Misunderstandings This is a story about two neighbours, Roxy and Gwenda. There was no love lost between them. They were forever at each other’s throats for something or the other. Their husbands and children were friendly towards one another and Molly and Robbie were often seen playing together at […]
Veronica’s Makeover, Story About Helping Others
Helping Others, Helpfulness & Change of Heart Story This is an interesting story about helping other people in your life. Fiona, Tessa, and Millie were good friends who were neighbours too. Their favourite haunt was the park, where they played many games. Another group of friends from the neighbouring street joined them at the park, […]
A Dream Come True, Story about Orphan
Short Story about Orphan Girl: Importance of Humane Values “Hi Mommy, what should I do on my birthday?” asked little five-year-old Selena. “Well cutie, what about a big birthday party at the ladies’ club?” questioned Wendy, her mom. “Can we have a small party here in our garden, Mommy? I’ll invite a few of my […]
How to Write Stories for Children?
Kids Story Writing Tips and Practical Help Writing stories for children is one of the most enriching experiences a writer can have. In order to strike a chord with kids, children stories should be written using the right choice of words. It’s here that kids story writing tips come in handy! These words must be […]
Alka Ka Bhai – अलका का भाई
Heartwarming Inspirational Story About Brother-Sister Bond गर्मियों की शाम थी| लॉन में मालती मैगज़ीन के पन्ने पलट रही थी| इतने में बहादुर चौकीदार ने आकर कहा, “मेमसाब मैं दो मिनट को चाय लेने किचन मे गया था| लौट कर गेट पर गया तब क्या देखता हूँ की एक बच्चा कपड़े में लिपटा हुआ गेट के […]
Insaniyat – इंसानियत
Moral Story in Hindi About an Ordinary Man’s Loyalty “मम्मी मम्मी देखो चन्दन पुकार रहा है| उसे बुला लो ना| हम मिठाई लेंगे,” कहते हुए रतन ने अपनी माँ का आँचल खींचा| “हाँ हाँ मम्मी, मैं आज गुलाबी वाली लूँगी,” शालिनी ने भी हाँ में हाँ मिलाई| निर्मला ने बच्चों की ज़िद के आगे हार […]
Khushi Ke Aansoo – ख़ुशी के आँसू
Inspirational Hindi Story About a Mother’s Determination सुधा के पति, सुधांशु का देहांत एक बस दुर्घटना मे हुआ था| तब उसकी शादी के सिर्फ़ दस साल बीते थे| जब तक उसके पति ज़िन्दा थे, उसकी ज़िन्दगी खुशियों के खज़ाने से भरी पड़ी थी| उनके न रहने पर, निराशा के सिवा कुछ नही था सुधा के […]
Nanhi Champa: नन्ही चंपा
Hindi Story about a Little Orphan Girl जाड़े के दिन थे| दोपहर के तीन बजे थे| मालती छत पर बैठी मैगज़ीन के पन्ने पलट रही थी| बच्चे अभी स्कूल से नही आये थे और पति ऑफिस में थे| अचानक फेरी लगाती हुई छोटी पांच वर्षीय चंपा और उसके पिता शंकर की आवाज़ आई| “चूड़ी लेलो, […]
Vishwas Ka Phal : विश्वास का फल
Short Story in Hindi About Trust and Faith in God माधवी तेरह वर्ष की एक साधारण लड़की थी| रंग गेहुँआ और नाक नक्श भी ठीक ठाक ही था, लेकिन उसके चेहरे पर एक अनमोल आकर्षण का अजीब सा फैलाव था| उसकी मीठी आवाज़ और असाधारण बुद्धि लोगों पर असर छोड़ जाती थी| बचपन में माँ […]
The Mystery at the Fun Fair
Adventure at the Fair – Mystery Story for Kids Moira, Gerald, and Darla were joined by their cousins Violet and Justin this summer. Their aunt and uncle were busy redecorating ‘Russet Villa’. The neighbourhood of ‘Snowhite Cottage’ was getting geared up for a fun fair. The money raised would be used for the upliftment and […]